Space Exploration Technologies

A Cheap Satellite with Large Fuel Tank Could Scout For Interplanetary Missions

A spacecraft that can provide the propulsion necessary to reach other planets while also being reproducible, relatively light, and inexpensive would be a great boon to larger missions in the inner solar system. Micocosm, Inc., based in Hawthorne, California, proposed just such a system via a NASA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant. Its Hummingbird …

A Cheap Satellite with Large Fuel Tank Could Scout For Interplanetary Missions Read More »

A 3U CubeSat Could Collect Data During an Asteroid Flyby

One of the great things about CubeSat designs is that they constrain the engineers who design them. Constraints are a great way to develop novel solutions to problems that might otherwise be ignored without them. As CubeSats become increasingly popular, more and more researchers are looking at how to get them to do more with …

A 3U CubeSat Could Collect Data During an Asteroid Flyby Read More »